En esta página puede encontrar un mapa de ubicación así como una relación de lugares y servicios disponibles en los alrededores de Holly Street Plaza: Hoteles, restaurantes, instalaciones deportivas, centros de enseñanza, cajeros automáticos, supermercados, estaciones de servicio y más.
Edificios con nombre cercanos Servicios cercanos a Holly Street Plaza Haga clic en la casilla de verificación situada a la izquierda del nombre del servicio para mostrar en el mapa la ubicación de los servicios seleccionados.
Automóvil Entradas a parking - 187m - Commercial Street, 1320 Entradas a parking - 329m - East Chestnut Street, 110,114,116 Entradas a parking - 326m - Railroad Avenue, 1123 Entradas a parking - 206m - Commercial Street Entradas a parking - 363m - Central Avenue Aparcamientos - 79m - - acceso público - gratuito West Holly Street Aparcamientos - 322m - - gratuito West Holly Street Aparcamientos - 317m - - gratuito Cornwall Avenue, 1327 Aparcamientos - 214mCommercial Street Parking Garage - City of Bellingham - acceso público - de pago Commercial Street, 1320 Aparcamientos - 254m - - gratuito Prospect Street, 121 Aparcamientos - 175m - - gratuito Prospect Street, 101 Aparcamientos - 104m - - acceso privado West Holly Street, 306 Aparcamientos - 109m - Prospect Street, 13 Aparcamientos - 117m - West Holly Street, 306 Aparcamientos - 390mDiamond Parking - acceso público - de pago Cornwall Avenue Horario de apertura: Mo-Th 18:00-06:00; Fr 18:00-00:00; Sa,Su 00:00-24:00; Mo 00:00-06:00 Aparcamientos - 295m - - acceso privado Cornwall Avenue Aparcamientos - 284m - - gratuito Prospect Street, 200 Aparcamientos - 349m - - acceso privado Central Avenue Aparcamientos - 328mLaw enforcement parking only - acceso privado Central Avenue Aparcamientos - 391m - - gratuito Prospect Street Aparcamientos - 393mWhatcom County Courthouse public parking - Whatcom County Courthouse - acceso privado - de pago Central Avenue Aparcamientos - 188m - West Holly Street, 314 Aparcamientos - 331m - - City of Bellingham Parking Services - de pago - vigilado Grand Avenue, 112 Aparcamientos - 206m - - gratuito Prospect Street, 110 Aparcamientos - 322m - - gratuito Grand Avenue, 119 Aparcamientos - 294m - Flora Street, 305 Aparcamientos - 158m - West Champion Street, 316 Aparcamientos - 372m - - gratuito Grand Avenue, 112 Aparcamientos - 346m - - Hotel Leo - acceso privado East Chestnut Street Aparcamientos - 390m - - acceso público - gratuito Railroad Avenue Aparcamientos - 249m - - gratuito Cornwall Avenue, 1219 Aparcamientos - 200m - West Holly Street ATM 15 Minute Aparcamientos - 90m - Bay Street, 1313 Aparcamientos - 218mDiamond Parking - acceso público - de pago West Champion Street Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 17:00-24:00; Sa,Su,PH open Aparcamientos - 129m - Bay Street, 1312 Aparcamientos - 119m - Bay Street, 1313 Aparcamientos - 140mDiamond Parking - acceso público - de pago Bay Street Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 18:00-06:00; Sa,Su,PH open Aparcamientos - 397m - - gratuito Cornwall Avenue Aparcamientos - 291m - - gratuito West Chestnut Street Aparcamientos - 339m - Aparcamientos - 143mDiamond Parking - acceso público - de pago Commercial Street Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 18:00-06:00; Sa 15:00-24:00; Su 00:00-30:00 Aparcamientos - 120m - - acceso privado Bay Street, 1210 Aparcamientos - 95mDiamond Parking - acceso público - de pago Commercial Street Aparcamientos - 163mDiamond Parking - acceso público - de pago Commercial Street, 1215 Aparcamientos - 156m - - acceso privado Bay Street, 1210 Aparcamientos - 227m - - gratuito West Chestnut Street plaza de aparcamiento - 124m - Bay Street aparcamiento de motos - 511m - Railroad AvenueComercio Pastelería - 357mIcing on the Cake Grand Avenue, 201 Horario de apertura: PH,Mo-Su 11:00-19:00 tienda de música - 56mBlack Noise Records Bay Street, 1230 98225 Bellingham Teléfono: +13603257808 Horario de apertura: We-Su 11:00-19:00 Peluquería - 189mMains Hair Studio Prospect Street, 109 98225 Bellingham Horario de apertura: "By appointment only" Peluquería - 251mHeadquarters Barbershop Cornwall Avenue, 1209 98225 Bellingham Peluquería - 246mGold Comb West Holly Street, 113 Peluquería - 210mOld 99 West Holly Street, 124 Peluquería - 358mSandalwood Salon & Spa West Magnolia Street Peluquería - 252mEnvy Commercial Street, 1322 Peluquería - 394mHoney Salon Granary Avenue, 1211 98225-3089 Bellingham Teléfono: +1 360 778 3858 Email: hair@honeybellingham.com Peluquería - 190mAlford's Salon Bay Street, 1208 Regalos - 83mRefind Creations Bay Street, 1220 Regalos - 280mIdeal Cornwall Avenue, 1227 Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 10:00-18:00; Su 12:00-17:00 Regalos - 328mPNWaffle Boutique Cornwall Avenue, 1230 Regalos - 215mSalish Moon Collective Cornwall Avenue, 1201 Horario de apertura: We-Sa 11:00-17:00; Su 11:00-16:00 Regalos - 116mMo's Parlor Commercial Street, 1305 Regalos - 323mBrazen Shop + Studio Cornwall Avenue, 1319 98225 Bellingham Teléfono: +1 541 719 8427 Email: brazenshopandstudio@gmail.com Regalos - 367mThe Stone Moon Cornwall Avenue Regalos - 360mBison Bookbinding & Letterpress Grand Avenue, 112 98225 Bellingham Regalos - 110mThe Third Planet Commercial Street, 1301 Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 11:00-19:00 Panadería - 252mSaltadena Bakery & Cake Shop West Holly Street, 111 Panadería - 313mIt's the Sweet Things Cornwall Avenue, 1204 Panadería - 278mRaven Bakery Prospect Street, 205 98225 Bellingham Email: sophie@ravenbreads.com Horario de apertura: We-Sa 08:00-14:00 salón de belleza - 42mAngel Nails & Spa West Holly Street, 215 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 10:00-19:00; Sa 09:00-18:00; Su 10:00-17:00 salón de belleza - 378mZorganics Salon & Day Spa Grand Avenue, 203 Horario de apertura: "By appointment only" salón de belleza - 341mFlawless Wax By Ashley Flora Street, 310 98225 Bellingham Teléfono: +1 360 809 1511 Horario de apertura: "By Appointment Only" salón de belleza - 182mMW Soap Works Commercial Street, 1310 Horario de apertura: Tu-Sa 12:00-18:00 shop-vacant - 112m - Commercial Street, 1301 shop-vacant - 277m - Grand Avenue, 109 98225 Bellingham shop-vacant - 193m - Prospect Street, 110 98225 Bellingham shop-vacant - 186m - West Champion Street, 310 98225 Bellingham shop-vacant - 182m - Prospect Street, 108 98225 Bellingham shop-vacant - 134m - West Holly Street, 308 shop-vacant - 169m - West Champion Street, 314 98225 Bellingham Floristería - 338mA New Leaf Flowers Cornwall Avenue, 1327 98225 Bellingham arte - 382mDakota Art Store Cornwall Avenue, 1322 Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 10:00-17:00 tienda erótica - 177mWink Wink Commercial Street, 1302 98225 Bellingham Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 12:00-18:00 artesanía - 342mNorthwest Yarns Commercial Street, 1401 98225 Bellingham Teléfono: +1 360 738 0167 Email: info@nwyarns.com artesanía - 354mSpincycle Yarns & Supply Co. Grand Avenue, 112 98225 Bellingham Librería - 373mHenderson Books Grand Avenue, 116 98225 Bellingham Teléfono: +1 360 734 6855 Horario de apertura: Tu-Sa 10:00-18:00; Su 11:00-17:00 centro comercial - 109mBay Street Village West Holly Street, 301 98225 Bellingham Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 09:00-18:00 Bicicletas - 188mThe Hub Community Bike Shop Commercial Street, 1320 Horario de apertura: Th-Sa 10:00-18:00 Bicicletas - 243mUnknown Board Shop West Champion Street, 302 98225 Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 11:00-19:00; Su 12:00-17:00 Bicicletas - 298mTrek East Chestnut Street, 100 98225 Bellingham Teléfono: +1 360 733 6440 Horario de apertura: Tu-Sa 10:00-18:00 Bicicletas - 241mCafe Velo Prospect Street, 120 98225 Bellingham Teléfono: +1 360 392 0930 Coffee, beer, and bicycle repair services Horario de apertura: We-Fr 08:00-18:00; Sa,Su 10:00-17:00; Mo-Tu off taller de masaje - 308mVeritas Massage Cornwall Avenue, 1319 tatuajes - 158mMaude West Holly Street, 310 98225 Bellingham Email: fraumaude@gmail.com Horario de apertura: We-Su 12:00-21:00 tatuajes - 257mSabbath Tattoo Parlor Commercial Street, 1322 Ropa - 94mFringe Boutique West Holly Street, 203 Horario de apertura: Su-Fr 11:00-19:00; Sa 10:00-19:00 Ropa - 330mModsock Cornwall Avenue, 1323 98225 Bellingham Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 10:00-18:00; Su 11:00-17:00 Ropa - 306mWoolies West Magnolia Street, 109 Zapatería - 303mBeck's Shoes West Magnolia Street, 113 98225 Bellingham Teléfono: +1 360 734 3090 Optica - 300mEyes on Fremont Cornwall Avenue, 1301 98225 Bellingham Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00 tienda de mascotas - 308mAre You My Human? Dog Rescue & Lounge Cornwall Avenue, 1307 98225 Bellingham Horario de apertura: Th 12:00-17:00; Fr 12:00-18:00; Sa 11:00-18:00; Su 11:00-17:00 Sastre - 483mTommy the Tailor Railroad Avenue, 1303 98225 Bellingham Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 10:00-18:00; Sa 11:00-16:00 decoración de interiores - 282mGreenhouse Cornwall Avenue, 1235 98225 Bellingham Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 11:00-17:00; Su 12:00-16:00 Bazar - 408mJJs East Holly Street Horario de apertura: Su-Th 07:00-24:00, Fr,Sa 07:00-02:00 antigüedades - 181mAntiques on Holly West Holly Street, 314 té - 484mWonderland Herbs & Teas & Spices Railroad Avenue, 1305 98225 Bellingham Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 10:00-17:00; Sa 10:00-16:00 alcohol - 190mThe Great Northern Bottle Shop & Lounge Commercial Street, 1319 98225 Bellingham Horario de apertura: We-Mo 12:00-21:00 instrumentos musicales - 144mQuist Violins West Champion Street, 320 98225 Bellingham Teléfono: +1 360-647-1984 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 12:00-18:00; Sa 10:00-16:00 tienda al aire libre - 31mBackcountry Essentials West Holly Street, 214 98225 Bellingham Teléfono: +13605435678 Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 10:00-19:00; Su 11:00-19:00 vino - 90mNomad Charcuterie & Wine Bay Street, 1313 vino - 147mSeifert & Jones Prospect Street, 19 98225 Bellingham Teléfono: +1 360 393 3271 Horario de apertura: Tu-Sa 10:00-18:00 tienda de objetos de segunda mano - 128mMystery Thrift Commercial Street Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 11:00-19:00 Muebles - 188mTrico Office Interiors West Chestnut Street, 200 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 08:00-14:00Restauración Restaurantes - 15mGoat Mountain Gin & Pizza West Holly Street, 215 98225 Bellingham Horario de apertura: Tu-Th 15:00-21:00; Fr,Sa 11:30-22:00; Su 11:30-21:00 Restaurantes - 356mBellingham Cider Company Prospect Street, 205 98225 Bellingham Teléfono: +1-360-510-8494 Horario de apertura: Tu-Th 15:00-21:00; Fr 15:00-22:00; Sa 10:00-22:00; Su 10:00-20:00 Restaurantes - 209mBanter Prospect Street, 114 98225 Bellingham Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 08:00-21:00; Sa,Su 08:00-16:00 Restaurantes - 264mIndia Grill Restaurant Cornwall Avenue, 1215 98225 Bellingham Teléfono: +1 360-714-0314 Email: indiagrillb@hotmail.com Horario de apertura: "We are currently only accepting take-out orders for the time being. Thank you" Restaurantes - 258mSage Against the Machine Cornwall Avenue, 1213 98225 Bellingham Restaurantes - 267mCafe Akroteri Cornwall Avenue, 1219 98225 Bellingham Horario de apertura: Tu-Th 11:00-20:00; Fr,Sa 11:00-21:00 Restaurantes - 239mEl Capitán's Cornwall Avenue, 1201 98225 Bellingham Horario de apertura: Mo,Su off; Tu-Th 11:30-24:00; Fr-Sa 11:30-02:00 Restaurantes - 307mYunGaNe Korean Restaurant Cornwall Avenue, 1204 Restaurantes - 296mStoria Cucina Grand Avenue, 109 98225 Bellingham Teléfono: +1 360 734 1929 Email: info@storiacucina.com Restaurantes - 288mRedlight Kitchen + Bar Grand Avenue, 109 98225 Bellingham Restaurantes - 193mOld Town Cafe West Holly Street, 314 98225 Bellingham Teléfono: +1 360-671-4431 Email: eat@theoldtowncafe.com Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 06:30-15:00; Su 08:00-14:00 Restaurantes - 324mDragon River Cornwall Avenue, 1319 98225 Bellingham Restaurantes - 312mPenny Farthing Cornwall Avenue, 1307 98225 Bellingham Horario de apertura: Tu-Th,Su 12:00-21:00; Fr,Sa 12:00-22:00 Restaurantes - 326mRamen + Bowl East Chestnut Street, 105 98225 Bellingham Horario de apertura: Mo,We-Sa 11:30-14:00,17:00-20:30; Su 15:00-20:00 Restaurantes - 303mSeñor Lopez Cornwall Avenue, 1200 98225 Bellingham Teléfono: +1 360 656 6184 Horario de apertura: Su-Fr 11:00-21:00; Sa 11:00-22:00 Restaurantes - 298mTaco Lobo West Magnolia Street, 117 98225 Bellingham Teléfono: +1 360 756 0711 Horario de apertura: Tu-Sa 11:00-20:00 Restaurantes - 360mDaisy Cafe West Magnolia Street, 114 98225 Bellingham Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 08:00-14:00 Restaurantes - 174mBrandywine Kitchen Commercial Street, 1317 Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 12:00-20:00 Restaurantes - 216mThe Mount Bakery Café West Champion Street, 308C 98225 Bellingham Teléfono: +1 360-715-2195 Restaurantes - 267mSoy House West Holly Street, 400 98225 Teléfono: +1 3603934857 Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 11:00-21:00; Su 11:00-19:00 Restaurantes - 61mBayou on Bay Prospect Street, 2 Horario de apertura: Tu-Th 15:00-21:00; Fr 15:00-22:00; Sa 10:00-22:00; Su 10:00-21:00 Comida rápida - 121mCheba Hut West Holly Street, 306 98225 Bellingham Teléfono: +1 360 684 3323 Horario de apertura: Mo-Th 11:00-22:00, Fr,Sa 11:00-01:00, Su 11:00-21:00 Comida rápida - 246mTacos El Tule Flora Street Cafeterías - 31mCamber Coffee West Holly Street, 221 98225 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 07:00-22:00; Sa-Su 08:00-22:00 Cafeterías - 265mAshuri Baklava & Cafe Grand Avenue, 103 98225 Bellingham Horario de apertura: Mo,Th-Su 10:00-20:00 Cafeterías - 257mWelcome Road West Champion Street, 300 98225 Bellingham Cafeterías - 248mCofy Cornwall Avenue, 1209 98225 Bellingham Cafeterías - 350mShirlee Bird Café, Too Commercial Street, 1401 98225 Bellingham Cafeterías - 360mThe Union Coffee Shop West Magnolia Street, 114 Horario de apertura: Mo,We-Fr 08:00-13:30; Sa,Su 08:00-14:00 Cafeterías - 304mThe Wild Oat Bakery and Cafe Cornwall Avenue, 1305 98225 Bellingham Teléfono: +1-360-647-1344 Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 09:00-16:00; Su 09:00-14:00 Cafeterías - 284mNEKO Cat Cafe Cornwall Avenue, 1130 98225 Bellingham Horario de apertura: Mo-Th 12:00-18:00; Fr 11:00-20:00; Sa,Su 10:00-20:00 Cafeterías - 241mCafe Velo Prospect Street, 120 98225 Bellingham Teléfono: +1 360 392 0930 Coffee, beer, and bicycle repair services Horario de apertura: We-Fr 08:00-18:00; Sa,Su 10:00-17:00; Mo-Tu off Cafeterías - 223mLocus West Holly Street, 120 98225 Bellingham Teléfono: +1 360 306 8556 Email: info@locusofbellingham.com Pubs - 134mCabin Tavern West Holly Street, 307 98225 Bellingham Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 16:00-02:00 Pubs - 307mGrand Avenue Alehouse Grand Avenue, 113 98225 Bellingham Teléfono: +1 360 671 3080 Horario de apertura: Tu-Th 12:00-24:00, Fr 12:00-02:00, Sa 16:00-02:00, Su 16:00-24:00 Pubs - 372mBoundary Bay Brewery & Bistro Railroad Avenue, 1107 98225 Bellingham Teléfono: +1-360-647-5593 Email: ilana@bbaybrewery.com Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 11:00-23:00+ Bares - 19mLorikeet West Holly Street, 215 98225 Bares - 236mJuxt West Holly Street, 113 Horario de apertura: Mo,We,Th 12:00-23:00; Fr,Sa 12:00-24:00; Su 12:00-22:00 Bares - 248mEndgame Bellingham West Holly Street, 118 98225 Bellingham Teléfono: +1 360 778 1269 Horario de apertura: We-Fr 16:00-24:00+; Sa,Su 11:00-24:00+ Bares - 391mMiller's Back Door Comradery & Cocktails Railroad Avenue, 1115 98225 Horario de apertura: Su-Th 17:00-23:00; Fr-Sa 17:00-01:00 Bares - 395mRumors Cabaret Railroad Avenue, 1119 Horario de apertura: 16:00-4:00 Bares - 229mTemple Bar West Champion Street, 306 98225 Bellingham Teléfono: +1 360-676-8660 Horario de apertura: Su-Th 16:00-22:00; Fr,Sa 16:00-24:00 Bares - 35mBlack Sheep West Holly Street, 211 98225Transporte Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 59m - - acceso público - gratuito Prospect Street Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 393m - Railroad Avenue, 1107 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 353m - Flora Street Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 269m - Prospect Street, 205 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 265m - Prospect Street Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 232m - - acceso público - gratuito Prospect Street, 121 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 204m - West Holly Street, 126 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 169m - - acceso público - gratuito Bay Street, 1318 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 188m - West Holly Street, 126 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 187m - - acceso público - gratuito Commercial Street, 1320 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 246m - West Holly Street, 113 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 380m - East Holly Street, 103 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 143m - West Champion Street Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 157m - Bay Street, 1318 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 139m - - acceso público - gratuito Bay Street, 1318 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 85m - West Holly Street Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 392m - Granary Avenue Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 387m - Granary Avenue Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 384m - Granary Avenue Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 109m - - acceso público - gratuito Bay Street, 1312 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 95m - - acceso público - gratuito Bay StreetTurismo Artesanía - 26mSentinel Prospect Street, 2 Artesanía - 358mBack to Center Flora Street Artesanía - 230mSteel and Stone Commercial Street, 1324 Artesanía - 317m - West Champion Street Artesanía - 392m - Commercial Street, 1407 Artesanía - 200mBenches West Champion Street, 308 Artesanía - 104mRocket Donuts sculpture West Holly Street, 306 The building next door used to have a donut shop named Rocket Donuts. It's now gone but the rocket remains. It lights up in glowing neon colors. Galería - 65mGeheim Gallery - gratuito Bay Street, 1230 Galería - 384mDakota Gallery Cornwall Avenue, 1322 Galería - 203mWandering Oaks Fine Art Gallery and Glass Studio - gratuito West Holly Street, 126 Horario de apertura: Mo 12:00-18:00; Tu-Fr 11:00-18:00; Sa 10:00-18:00; Su 11:00-16:00 Museo - 37mMindport Exhibits - de pago West Holly Street, 210 98225 Bellingham Teléfono: +1 360 647 5614 Mindport offers an inspiring blend of fine art and hand-built interactive exhibits to spark your awareness and stimulate your thinking. Come explore! Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 12:00-18:00; Sa 10:00-17:00; Su 12:00-17:00 Museo - 290mSyre Education Center - Whatcom Museum of History and Art - gratuito Prospect Street, 201 98225 Bellingham Horario de apertura: We-Fr 13:00-17:00 Museo - 241mWhatcom Museum at Old City Hall - Whatcom Museum of History and Art - de pago Prospect Street, 121 98225 Bellingham Horario de apertura: We-Su 12:00-17:00 Museo - 117mSpark Museum of Electrical Invention - de pago Bay Street, 1312 98225 Bellingham Teléfono: +1 360 738 3886 Horario de apertura: We-Su 11:00-17:00Otros office-architect - 170mConcept Design, LLC Prospect Street, 104 98225 Bellingham Teléfono: +1 360 255 0459 Email: Sales@ConceptDesignLLC.net office-architect - 300mZervas Architects Prospect Street, 209 polling_station - 347m - - Whatcom County Flora Street, 310 Horario de apertura: 24/7 office-yes - 506mBellingham Chamber of Commerce North Commercial Street, 119 98225 Bellingham Teléfono: +1 360 734 1330 Fax: +1 360 734 1332 office-bail_bond_agent - 33mAll City Bail Bonds Prospect Street, 2 98225 Bellingham Teléfono: +1 360-734-1111 Fax: +1 360-671-5765 Email: info@allcitybailbonds.com Horario de apertura: 24/7 events_venue - 254mVeritas Media Cornwall Avenue, 1211 98225 Bellingham events_venue - 261mThe Happy Place Cornwall Avenue, 1215 98225 Bellingham office-association - 115mLydia Place Rocket Office Prospect Street, 13 98225 Bellingham office-association - 334mLighthouse Mission Administrative Offices Grand Avenue, 110 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 08:00-16:00 office-association - 364mDomestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services Commercial Street, 1407 Horario de apertura: Mo,We 10:00-14:00 office-association - 244mOpportunity Council Early Learning & Family Services Cornwall Avenue, 1201 98225 Bellingham Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 09:00-16:00 office-association - 161mBellingham Symphony Orchestra West Champion Street, 316 98225 Bellingham Teléfono: +1 360 756 6752 Email: info@bellinghamsymphony.org office-property_management - 346mSon-rise Property Management East Chestnut Street, 105 office-property_management - 371mDaylight Properties East Holly Street, 103 98225 shop-cannabis - 509mPiece of Mind Cannabis East Maple Street, 100 Horario de apertura: Su-We 09:00-22:00; Th-Sa 09:00-23:00 Máquinas de vending - 112m - Bay Street, 1312 Máquinas de vending - 142m - Bay Street, 1318 Máquinas de vending - 113m - Bay Street, 1313 Reciclaje - 57m - Bay Street Reciclaje - 360m - Cornwall Avenue, 1333 Reciclaje - 351m - Grand Avenue Reciclaje - 208m - West Champion Street, 306 Reciclaje - 167m - West Holly Street, 128 Reciclaje - 159m - West Holly Street Reciclaje - 291m - Commercial Street Reciclaje - 308m - West Magnolia Street, 117 Reciclaje - 304m - Cornwall Avenue, 1235 Reciclaje - 350m - East Holly Street Reciclaje - 386m - Cornwall Avenue Reciclaje - 113m - Commercial Street, 1301 Papeleras - 57m - Bay Street Papeleras - 357m - Cornwall Avenue, 1333 Papeleras - 349m - Grand Avenue Papeleras - 208m - West Champion Street, 308 Papeleras - 165m - West Holly Street, 128 Papeleras - 157m - West Holly Street Papeleras - 290m - Commercial Street Papeleras - 308m - West Magnolia Street, 117 Papeleras - 310m - Cornwall Avenue, 1235 Papeleras - 319m - Cornwall Avenue, 1301 Papeleras - 347m - East Holly Street Papeleras - 386m - Cornwall Avenue Papeleras - 114m - Commercial Street, 1301 office-consulting - 177mOsborn Consulting Incorporated Commercial Street, 1319 office-consulting - 396mwebsite Granary Avenue, 1211 98225-3089 Bellingham office-it - 318mDIS Cornwall Avenue, 1319 98225 Bellingham office-lawyer - 81mLaw Offices of Simmons | Sweeney | Smith PS Commercial Street, 1223 office-lawyer - 343mDavid N. Jolly, P. S. West Champion Street, 218 office-lawyer - 217mBrett McCandlis Brown & Conner PLLC West Chestnut Street, 200 98225 Bellingham Teléfono: +1-360-714-0900 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 08:30-17:00 office-financial_advisor - 486mEdward Jones - Terrell V. Goertz North Commercial Street, 119 98225 Bellingham Teléfono: +1 360 738 3454 oficinas de agencias de empleo - 231mNorthwest Workforce Council Prospect Street, 101 98225 Bellingham Teléfono: +1-360-676-3209 Email: info@workforcenorthwest.org oficinas de agencias de empleo - 351mManpower West Champion Street, 216 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 08:00-17:00 shop-locksmith - 276mAccurate Lock & Security Prospect Street, 200 98225 Bellingham Teléfono: +1 360 733 2020 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 08:30-17:30 office-accountant - 202mMarie Bjornson, CPA Home Loans Prospect Street, 112 98225 Bellingham Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 10:30-17:00 sport-yoga - 326m3 Oms Yoga Cornwall Avenue, 1319 98225 Bellingham oficinas gubernamentales - 374mCity of Bellingham Public Works & Human Resources - City of Bellingham West Magnolia Street, 104 Estación de recarga - 186mChargePoint - de pago Commercial Street, 1320 Estación de recarga - 357mChargePoint - acceso público - de pago West Magnolia Street, 104 shop-collector - 168mVintage 360 West Holly Street, 310 shop-collector - 386mThe Comics Place East Holly Street, 103 Horario de apertura: Mo-Th 11:00-19:00; Fr,Sa 10:00-20:00; Su 10:00-19:00 office-company - 303mCascade Engineering Group, P. S., Inc. Grand Avenue, 119 98225 Bellingham office-company - 318mPrecision Approach Engineering Grand Avenue, 119 98225 Bellingham office-company - 312mEvergreen Supported Living Flora Street, 305 98225 Bellingham office-financial - 325mSteele Financial Services Grand Avenue, 119 98225 Bellingham Fuentes - 436m - West Holly Street Centros penitenciarios - 419mWhatcom County Jail Prospect Street Toilets - 619m - - acceso público Central Avenue office-surveyor - 519mJepson & Associates, PS Grand Avenue, 222 office-construction_company - 195mZion Builders West Chestnut Street Teléfono: +1 360 393 4733 office-telecommunication - 511mBaron Telecommunications Railroad Avenue, 1204 98225 Bellingham Reloj - 348m - East Holly Street, 103 Venta de Helados - 408mCryo Rolls Granary Avenue, 1211 98225-3089 Bellingham Email: izaiahellis@cryorolls.com Horario de apertura: Mo-Th 14:00-22:00; Fr 14:00-23:00; Sa 12:00-23:00; Su 12:00-20:00 office-coworking - 342mLocalgroup Studio Prospect Street, 221 98225 Bellingham smoking_area - 405m - Central Avenue Agua potable - 503m - West Holly Street office-estate_agent - 393mblu.ink Real Estate Granary Avenue, 1211 98225-3089 Bellingham Teléfono: +1 360 739 4236 shop-water_sports - 431mPacific North Sports Granary Avenue, 1211 98225-3089 Bellingham Teléfono: +1 360 794 1688 Email: sales@pacificnorthsports.com Calles conectadas Listado de calles y plazas que están conectadas con
Holly Street Plaza