En esta página puede encontrar un mapa de ubicación así como una relación de lugares y servicios disponibles en los alrededores de University Way Northeast: Hoteles, restaurantes, instalaciones deportivas, centros de enseñanza, cajeros automáticos, supermercados, estaciones de servicio y más.
Edificios con nombre cercanos Servicios cercanos a University Way Northeast Haga clic en la casilla de verificación situada a la izquierda del nombre del servicio para mostrar en el mapa la ubicación de los servicios seleccionados.
Automóvil Entradas a parking - 229m - Brooklyn Avenue Northeast, 4732 Aparcamientos - 101m - - acceso privado University Way Northeast, 4719 Aparcamientos - 203m - - Jack in the Box - gratuito University Way Northeast, 4749 Horario de apertura: 24/7 Aparcamientos - 189mNorth Parking Lot - University Presbyterian Church - acceso privado 15th Avenue Northeast, 4700 Aparcamientos - 326m - 15th Avenue Northeast Aparcamientos - 180m - Brooklyn Avenue Northeast, 4701 Aparcamientos - 166m - Brooklyn Avenue Northeast, 4707 Aparcamientos - 205m - Brooklyn Avenue Northeast, 4541 Aparcamientos - 318mUniversity Heights Center South Parking Lot Northeast 50th Street Aparcamientos - 320m - - gratuito Brooklyn Avenue Northeast, 4759 Aparcamientos - 395mUniversity Heights Center North Parking Lot Northeast 52nd Street Aparcamientos - 315m - Brooklyn Avenue Northeast Aparcamientos - 392m - Northeast 45th Street, 1200 Aparcamientos - 399m - - de pago 15th Avenue Northeast, 4311 Aparcamientos - 148mWest Parking Lot - University Presbyterian Church - acceso privado 15th Avenue Northeast, 4551 Aparcamientos - 208mN28 - University of Washington 15th Avenue Northeast plaza de aparcamiento - 104m - 15th Avenue Northeast, 4555 plaza de aparcamiento - 123m - plaza de aparcamiento - 126m - plaza de aparcamiento - 119m - plaza de aparcamiento - 138m - 15th Avenue Northeast, 4551 plaza de aparcamiento - 131m - 15th Avenue Northeast, 4551 plaza de aparcamiento - 134m - 15th Avenue Northeast, 4551 plaza de aparcamiento - 137m - 15th Avenue Northeast, 4551 plaza de aparcamiento - 140m - 15th Avenue Northeast, 4551 plaza de aparcamiento - 141m - 15th Avenue Northeast, 4551 plaza de aparcamiento - 144m - 15th Avenue Northeast, 4551 plaza de aparcamiento - 147m - 15th Avenue Northeast, 4551 plaza de aparcamiento - 168m - 15th Avenue Northeast, 4551 plaza de aparcamiento - 165m - 15th Avenue Northeast, 4551 plaza de aparcamiento - 161m - 15th Avenue Northeast, 4551 plaza de aparcamiento - 158m - 15th Avenue Northeast, 4551 plaza de aparcamiento - 155m - 15th Avenue Northeast, 4551 plaza de aparcamiento - 152m - 15th Avenue Northeast, 4551 plaza de aparcamiento - 148m - 15th Avenue Northeast, 4551 plaza de aparcamiento - 145m - 15th Avenue Northeast, 4551 plaza de aparcamiento - 189m - 15th Avenue Northeast, 4547 plaza de aparcamiento - 186m - 15th Avenue Northeast, 4547 plaza de aparcamiento - 174m - 15th Avenue Northeast, 4551 plaza de aparcamiento - 171m - 15th Avenue Northeast, 4551 plaza de aparcamiento - 163m - 15th Avenue Northeast, 4551 plaza de aparcamiento - 166m - 15th Avenue Northeast, 4547 plaza de aparcamiento - 133m - plaza de aparcamiento - 143m - 15th Avenue Northeast, 4551 plaza de aparcamiento - 146m - 15th Avenue Northeast, 4551 plaza de aparcamiento - 150m - 15th Avenue Northeast, 4551 plaza de aparcamiento - 153m - 15th Avenue Northeast, 4551 plaza de aparcamiento - 156m - 15th Avenue Northeast, 4551 plaza de aparcamiento - 151m - 15th Avenue Northeast, 4551 plaza de aparcamiento - 154m - 15th Avenue Northeast, 4551 plaza de aparcamiento - 157m - 15th Avenue Northeast, 4551 plaza de aparcamiento - 160m - 15th Avenue Northeast, 4551 plaza de aparcamiento - 116m - Northeast 47th Street plaza de aparcamiento - 105m - 15th Avenue Northeast, 4555 plaza de aparcamiento - 109m - 15th Avenue Northeast, 4555 plaza de aparcamiento - 113m - Northeast 47th Street plaza de aparcamiento - 129m -Comercio Tienda de variedades - 71m - University Way Northeast, 4544 98105 Seattle salón de belleza - 65m - University Way Northeast, 4546 98105 Seattle Ropa - 34mRed Light University Way Northeast, 4560 98105 Seattle Teléfono: +1-206-545-4044 Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 11:00-20:00; Su 11:00-19:00; Nov Th[4] closed; Dec 25 closed Ropa - 180mValley Of Roses Boutique University Way Northeast, 4748 98105 Seattle Teléfono: +1-206-522-6887 Horario de apertura: Mo closed; Tu-Su 12:00-18:30 Ropa - 80m - University Way Northeast, 4542 98105 Seattle Ropa - 320mEarthbound Trading Company University Way Northeast, 4321 98105 Seattle Ropa - 151mUrban Outfitters University Way Northeast, 4518 98105 Seattle Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 11:00-19:00; Su 12:00-18:00 Ropa - 369mCrossroads Trading Northeast 43rd Street, 4300 98105 Seattle Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 11:00-20:00; Su 11:00-19:00 Ropa - 257mOmZappy Northeast 45th Street, 1409 Ropa - 156mLucky Vintage University Way Northeast, 4742 98105 Seattle Teléfono: +1-206-523-6621 Email: luckyvintage@yahoo.com Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 12:00-19:00; Su 11:00-18:00 Bazar - 30m7-Eleven University Way Northeast, 4700 98105 Seattle Teléfono: +1-206-409-5327 Bazar - 343m7-Eleven Northeast 47th Street, 1105 98105 Seattle Teléfono: +1-206-547-9764 Horario de apertura: 24/7 Bazar - 179mJoy Mini Mart University Way Northeast, 4747 98105 Seattle Teléfono: +1-206-527-1233 Peluquería - 113mTop Hair Studio University Way Northeast, 4723 98105 Seattle Peluquería - 147mRudy’s Barber Shop University Way Northeast, 4738 98105 Seattle Teléfono: +1-206-527-5267 Email: info@rudysbarbershop.com Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 09:00-21:00 Peluquería - 249mShanti Threading Salon University Way Northeast, 4340 98105 Seattle Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 11:00-19:00; Sa,Su 11:00-18:00 Peluquería - 354mTight Cuts University Way Northeast, 4309 98105 Seattle tienda de cómics - 171mreiwatakiya University Way Northeast, 4514 98105 Seattle Horario de apertura: Su-Th 11:30-20:30; Fr,Sa 11:30-21:00 tatuajes - 161mDeep Roots University Way Northeast, 4517 98105 Seattle tabaco - 85mCloudz Vape University Way Northeast, 4540 tabaco - 154mUniversity Smoke Shop University Way Northeast, 4519 98105 Seattle decoración de interiores - 61mInner Visions University Way Northeast, 4548 98105 Seattle decoración de interiores - 347mShiga's Imports University Way Northeast, 4306 98105 Seattle Regalos - 55mGargoyle Statuary University Way Northeast, 4550 98105 Seattle Teléfono: +1-206-632-4940 Email: gargayle@gargoylestatuary.com Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 11:00-19:00; Su 12:00-19:00 Regalos - 254mPink Gorilla University Way Northeast, 4341 98105 Seattle shop-vacant - 46m - University Way Northeast, 4552 98105 Seattle Boutique - 103mLines Up University Way Northeast, 4721 98105 Seattle Ordenadores - 209mGoEBits University Way Northeast, 4760 98105 Seattle Teléfono: +1-206-525-2266 Email: info@GoEBITS.com Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 10:00-19:00; Sa-Su 11:00-17:00 fotocopias - 90mMail Etc Inc University Way Northeast, 4730 98105 Seattle fotocopias - 264mEZ Print & Copy Shop University Way Northeast, 4336 Horario de apertura: Mo-Th 08:00-19:30; Fr 08:00-18:30; Sa 09:30-18:00; Su 09:30-17:30 Supermercado - 227mSafeway Brooklyn Avenue Northeast, 4732 98105 Seattle Librería - 302mEdge of the Circle Books Northeast 45th Street, 1307 98105 Seattle Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 12:00-18:00+ Librería - 311mUniversity Book Store University Way Northeast, 4326 98105 Seattle Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 10:00-18:00; Su 12:00-16:00 Electrónica - 69mAl's Music And Video University Way Northeast, 4547 98105 Seattle Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 11:00-21:00 Automóvil - 523mAudi Seattle 11th Avenue Northeast, 4741;4705 98105 Seattle Teléfono: +1-866-798-1396 tienda de marcos - 261mBrooklyn Frame Shop Brooklyn Avenue Northeast, 4733 98105 Seattle Zapatería - 379mWooly Mammoth University Way Northeast, 4303 98105 Seattle Horario de apertura: Mo 11:30-17:00; Tu-Su 11:00-18:00 arte - 373mFour Corners Art And Frame University Way Northeast, 4305 98105 Seattle Optica - 305mDavis Optical Xpress University Way Northeast, 4325 98105 Seattle Ferretería - 140mTweedy Popp UW University Way Northeast, 4731 98105 Seattle Teléfono: +1-206-659-9724 Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 09:00-17:00; Su 11:00-16:00; PH closed tienda de música - 335mNeptune Music Co. Brooklyn Avenue Northeast, 4344 98105 Teléfono: +1-206-632-0202 Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 11:00-19:30; Su 12:00-19:30 lavandería - 201mUniversity Laundry Center - Seattle Laundry Service Brooklyn Avenue Northeast, 4522 98105 Teléfono: +1-206-853-6522 Email: info@seattlelaundryservice.com Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 09:00-20:00; Su 09:00-19:00 taller de masaje - 169mDream Clinic University Way Northeast, 4519 1/2 Telefonía móvil - 78mAsurion University Way Northeast, 4730 98105 Teléfono: +1-206-457-4657 Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 10:00-19:00; Su 12:00-17:00Restauración Cafeterías - 49mBobalust University Way Northeast, 4555 Cafeterías - 194mKoa University Way Northeast, 4754 98105 Seattle Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 10:00-14:00 Cafeterías - 177mDont Yell At Me University Way Northeast, 4511 98105 Seattle Teléfono: +1-206-588-0719 Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 12:00-23:00 Cafeterías - 143mKonbit Cafe University Way Northeast, 4518 Cafeterías - 300mJake's Coffee Northeast 47th Street, 1116 98105 Seattle Cafeterías - 131mTea Republik University Way Northeast, 4527 98105 Seattle Cafeterías - 110mDing Tea University Way Northeast, 4725 98105 Seattle Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 11:00-22:00 Cafeterías - 130mSharetea University Way Northeast, 4730 98105 Seattle Horario de apertura: Su-Th 12:00-22:00; Fr-Sa 12:00-23:00 Cafeterías - 108mZen Noodle University Way Northeast, 4537 Cafeterías - 387mKiki Bakery & Cafe 11th Avenue Northeast, 4708 98105 Seattle Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 08:00-20:00; Sa-Su 10:00-20:00 Cafeterías - 294mLeon Coffee House Northeast 45th Street, 1309 98105 Seattle Cafeterías - 106mO Dessert University Way Northeast, 4727 98105 Seattle Cafeterías - 186mMeraki Tea Bar Brooklyn Avenue Northeast, 4701 98105 Seattle Teléfono: +1-206-906-9213 Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 12:00-22:00 Cafeterías - 245mTP Tea Northeast 45th Street, 1312 98105 Seattle Cafeterías - 271mMöge Tee University Way Northeast, 4334 98105 Seattle Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 11:30-21:00 Cafeterías - 201mSeattle Best Tea Co. University Way Northeast, 4505 98105 Seattle Horario de apertura: Tu,We,Su 11:00-20:00; Fr,Sa 11:00-21:00; Mo,Th off Cafeterías - 128mOasis Tea Zone University Way Northeast, 4524 98105 Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 11:00-23:00 Cafeterías - 336mPoindexter Brooklyn Avenue Northeast, 4507 98105 Teléfono: +1-206-634-2000 Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 06:30-18:00; We-Sa 06:30-20:00 Cafeterías - 362mSip House Brooklyn Avenue Northeast, 5001 Cafeterías - 197mCapsule Cafe University Way Northeast, 4507 Seattle Cafeterías - 280mUnity Museum Northeast 45th Street, 1311 Horario de apertura: Fr-Su 15:00-24:00 Cafeterías - 96mCANUC University Way Northeast, 4730 98105 Seattle Cafeterías - 269mYi Fang Tea University Way Northeast, 5000 Restaurantes - 33mCosta's University Way Northeast, 4559 98105 Seattle Teléfono: +1-206-633-2751 Restaurantes - 190mMr Lu’s Burgers And Seafood University Way Northeast, 4752 98105 Seattle Teléfono: +1-206-525-0365 Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 11:00-22:00; Su 12:00-22:00 Restaurantes - 141mMaggi Point University Way Northeast, 4736 98105 Seattle Restaurantes - 135mKorean Tofu House Express University Way Northeast, 4520 98105 Seattle Teléfono: +1-206-922-3562 Horario de apertura: Mo-Th 10:00-21:00; Fr-Sa 10:00-22:30; Su 10:00-21:30 Restaurantes - 137mChi Mac University Way Northeast, 4525 98105 Seattle Restaurantes - 192mHappy Boy University Way Northeast, 4507 98105 Seattle Restaurantes - 168mU:Don University Way Northeast, 4515 98105 Seattle Restaurantes - 236mArepa Venezuelan Kitchen Northeast 50th Street, 1405 98105 Seattle Restaurantes - 156mBurritos California University Way Northeast, 4743 98105 Seattle Teléfono: +1-206-729-5071 Restaurantes - 187mTasty Pot University Way Northeast, 4509 98105 Seattle Restaurantes - 90mPalmi Korean BBQ University Way Northeast, 4538 98105 Seattle Teléfono: +1-206-633-9993 Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 11:00-23:00 Restaurantes - 59mPizza Twist / Taco Twist University Way Northeast, 4549 98105 Seattle Restaurantes - 74mRed Pepper University Way Northeast, 4545 98105 Seattle Teléfono: +1-206-906-9679 Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 11:00-22:00 Restaurantes - 85mThai Tom University Way Northeast, 4543 98105 Seattle Teléfono: +1-206-548-9548 Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 11:30-21:00; Su 12:00-21:00 Restaurantes - 92mAladdin Falafel University Way Northeast, 4541 98105 Seattle Horario de apertura: Mo-Th 10:30-01:30, Fr 10:30-03:00, Sa 11:00-03:00, Su 11:00-01:30 Restaurantes - 98mTime Bistro University Way Northeast, 4537b 98105 Seattle Teléfono: +1-206-420-8826 Indian-pakastani Horario de apertura: We-Mo 11:00-22:00 Restaurantes - 338mCedar's Brooklyn Avenue Northeast, 4759 98105 Seattle Restaurantes - 291mItadakimasu Brooklyn Avenue Northeast, 4743 98105 Seattle Restaurantes - 399mSamir's Mediterranean Grill Northeast 43rd Street, 1316 98105 Seattle Restaurantes - 348mMr. Bian Dumpling University Way Northeast, 4309 Restaurantes - 263mJust Poke University Way Northeast, 4339 Restaurantes - 179mJust Burgers University Way Northeast, 4510 98105 Seattle Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 11:00-23:00 Restaurantes - 185mPandas Noodle Bar University Way Northeast, 4508 98105 Seattle Teléfono: +1-206-547-2445 Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 11:00-21:00 Restaurantes - 146mTaste of Xi'an University Way Northeast, 4523 98105 Seattle Restaurantes - 125mSupreme University Way Northeast, 4529 Horario de apertura: Su-Th 11:00-24:00; Fr-Sa 11:00-01:00 Restaurantes - 133mJewel of India University Way Northeast, 4735 98105 Seattle Teléfono: +1-206-523-5275 Fax: +1 206-523-6830 Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 11:00-22:00 Restaurantes - 355mGenghis Cohen Brooklyn Avenue Northeast, 4507 Restaurantes - 364mNasai Teriyaki University Way Northeast, 4307 Restaurantes - 84mYGF MalaTang University Way Northeast, 4730 98105 Seattle Restaurantes - 279mMorsel University Way Northeast, 5000 98105 Seattle Teléfono: +1-206-268-0154 Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 08:00-15:00 Comida rápida - 210mDomino's Brooklyn Avenue Northeast, 4715 98105 Seattle Teléfono: +1-206-525-9551 Horario de apertura: Mo-Th 10:00-01:00; Fr-Sa 10:00-02:00; Su 10:00-24:00 Comida rápida - 396mHiroshi's Poke 11th Avenue Northeast, 4712 98105 Seattle Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 11:00-20:00 Comida rápida - 328mMy Favorite Deli Northeast 45th Street, 1301 98105 Seattle Teléfono: +1-206-545-4490 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 06:00-14:30; Sa-Su off Comida rápida - 250mMee Sum Pastry University Way Northeast, 4343 98105 Seattle Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 11:00-22:00 Comida rápida - 268mShawarma King University Way Northeast, 4337 98105 Seattle Horario de apertura: Su-Th 11:00-02:00, Fr,Sa 23:00-03:00 Comida rápida - 215mJack in the Box University Way Northeast, 4749 98105 Seattle Teléfono: +1-206-525-5599 Horario de apertura: 24/7 Bares - 296mEarl's on the Ave University Way Northeast, 4333 98105 Seattle Bares - 347mThe Mountaineering Club Brooklyn Avenue Northeast, 4507 98105 Teléfono: +1-206-634-2000 Email: info@themountaineeringclub.com Horario de apertura: Mo-Th 15:00-24:00; Fr 00:00-02:00,15:00-24:00; Sa,Su 00:00-02:00,12:00-24:00Transporte Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 20m - - SDOT - gratuito University Way Northeast, 4560 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 309m - - SDOT - gratuito Northeast 45th Street, 1303 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 249m - - SDOT - gratuito Brooklyn Avenue Northeast, 4522 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 300m - - SDOT - gratuito University Way Northeast, 4325 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 292m - - SDOT - gratuito University Way Northeast, 4325 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 281m - - SDOT - gratuito University Way Northeast, 4334 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 244m - - SDOT - gratuito University Way Northeast, 4340 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 238m - - SDOT - gratuito Northeast 45th Street Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 231m - - SDOT - gratuito University Way Northeast, 4501 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 350m - - SDOT - gratuito 16th Avenue Northeast Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 333m - - SDOT - gratuito 16th Avenue Northeast Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 318m - - SDOT - gratuito 16th Avenue Northeast Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 151m - - SDOT - gratuito University Way Northeast, 4517 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 225m - - SDOT - gratuito Northeast 50th Street, 1405 1/2 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 296m - - SDOT - gratuito University Way Northeast, 5022 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 296m - - SDOT - gratuito University Way Northeast Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 227m - Northeast 50th Street Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 207m - - SDOT - gratuito Brooklyn Avenue Northeast, 4715 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 250m - - SDOT - gratuito Brooklyn Avenue Northeast, 4727 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 206m - Brooklyn Avenue Northeast, 4718 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 229m - Brooklyn Avenue Northeast, 4732 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 247m - Brooklyn Avenue Northeast, 4732 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 385m - - Sound Transit - acceso público - gratuito Brooklyn Avenue Northeast, 4300 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 387m - - BikeLink - de pago Brooklyn Avenue Northeast, 4300 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 274m - - SDOT - gratuito Northeast 47th Street, 1118 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 216m - - SDOT - gratuito Northeast 47th Street Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 112m - Brooklyn Avenue Northeast, 4700 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 141m - Brooklyn Avenue Northeast, 4700 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 90m - Northeast 47th Street Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 231m - Brooklyn Avenue Northeast Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 388m - - SDOT - gratuito Northeast 50th Street, 1205 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 167m - Brooklyn Avenue Northeast Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 172m - Brooklyn Avenue Northeast Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 376m - - SDOT - gratuito Brooklyn Avenue Northeast, 4507 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 380m - Brooklyn Avenue Northeast, 4507 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 293m - - SDOT - gratuito Northeast 45th Street, 1309 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 306m - Northeast 45th Street, 1305 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 286m - - SDOT - gratuito Northeast 45th Street, 1309 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 239m - Northeast 45th Street, 1312 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 240m - Northeast 45th Street Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 352m - University Way Northeast, 4306 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 383m - - SDOT - acceso público - gratuito Northeast 43rd Street, 4300 Horario de apertura: 24/7 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 136m - University Way Northeast, 4523 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 174m - University Way Northeast, 4509 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 132m - - SDOT - gratuito University Way Northeast, 4525 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 37m - - SDOT - gratuito University Way Northeast, 4712 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 37m - - SDOT - gratuito Northeast 47th Street, 1317 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 61m - - SDOT - gratuito University Way Northeast, 4730 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 89m - - SDOT - gratuito University Way Northeast, 4730 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 101m - - SDOT - gratuito University Way Northeast, 4723 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 125m - - SDOT - gratuito University Way Northeast, 4730 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 130m - - SDOT - gratuito University Way Northeast, 4736 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 140m - - SDOT - gratuito University Way Northeast, 4738 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 178m - - SDOT - gratuito University Way Northeast, 4752 Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 42m - Northeast 47th Street Aparcamientos de bicicletas - 230m - University Way Northeast, 5002Otros estudio - 153mKUOW - KUOW Puget Sound Public Radio University Way Northeast, 4518 98105 Seattle Teléfono: +1-206-543-2710 oficinas gubernamentales - 104mCity of Seattle Customer Service Center University Way Northeast, 4534 98105 Seattle Horario de apertura: Tu-Sa 09:00-17:00 Reciclaje - 21m - University Way Northeast, 4560 Reciclaje - 191m - University Way Northeast, 4505 Reciclaje - 189m - University Way Northeast, 4502 Reciclaje - 225m - University Way Northeast, 4344 Reciclaje - 394m - Northeast 52nd Street Reciclaje - 193m - University Way Northeast, 4505 Reciclaje - 105m - University Way Northeast, 4733 Reciclaje - 28m - University Way Northeast Reciclaje - 30m - University Way Northeast, 4555 Reciclaje - 244m - University Way Northeast, 4341 1/2 Papeleras - 22m - University Way Northeast, 4560 Papeleras - 190m - University Way Northeast, 4505 Papeleras - 188m - University Way Northeast, 4502 Papeleras - 182m - University Way Northeast, 4751 Papeleras - 230m - Northeast 50th Street Papeleras - 201m - University Way Northeast, 4760 Papeleras - 250m - Brooklyn Avenue Northeast Papeleras - 226m - University Way Northeast, 4344 Papeleras - 395m - Northeast 52nd Street Papeleras - 195m - University Way Northeast, 4505 Papeleras - 29m - University Way Northeast, 4701 Papeleras - 29m - University Way Northeast, 4555 Papeleras - 242m - University Way Northeast, 4341 1/2 Papeleras - 107m - University Way Northeast, 4733 office-company - 506mWoven by Toyota Northeast 45th Street, 1121 98105 Seattle Mercados - 291mU-District Farmers' Market University Way Northeast Horario de apertura: Sa 09:00-14:00 Servicios Sociales - 177mTeen Feed University Way Northeast, 4740 98105 Seattle Teléfono: +1-206-522-4366 Fax: +1-206-522-3043 Email: info@teenfeed.org Fuentes - 476mTsutakawa Fountain Brooklyn Avenue Northeast, 4333 psychic - 361mU-District Psychic University Way Northeast, 4307 1/2 98105 Seattle Venta de Helados - 382mSweet Alchemy Ice Creamery University Way Northeast, 4301 98105 Seattle Horario de apertura: Su-Th 12:00-22:00; Fr,Sa 12:00-23:00 stage - 567m - Northeast Stevens Lane Taller de reparación de bicicletas - 695m - - University of Washington - gratuito Northeast Stevens Lane Horario de apertura: 24/7 Máquinas de vending - 27m - University Way Northeast, 4559 Máquinas de vending - 198m - - gratuito University Way Northeast, 4505 Máquinas de vending - 184m - University Way Northeast, 4751 Máquinas de vending - 110m - University Way Northeast, 4733 Reloj - 201m - University Way Northeast, 4500 food_sharing - 361m - University Way Northeast, 5031 Calles conectadas Listado de calles y plazas que están conectadas con
University Way Northeast